Hello! ~♥ This is a review of the GEO Super Nudy Blue XCH-622 Circle Lenses.
Type: Soft Contact Lens
Diameter: 14.8mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Manufacturer: GEO Medical
Disposable: 1 Year (I don't suggest to wear them for longer than 3 months)
The Super Nudy circle lens line by GEO is available in 5 different colors and comes in the typical GEO Medical vials with the GEO Authenticity Check sticker on them. There is also a similar line available by GEO, called "Nudy" only, so don't confuse these two!Design: The design is the "typical" GEO circle lens design to me, same as their classical GEO Angel lens design, with minor alterations. There isn't much of a pattern inside of the circle. As the lenses are semi-transparent, the light gray pattern inside is hardly noticeable. The only thing that is very striking is the dark circle around the lens. I would have preferred it if wasn't all that prominent, which is what the regular Nudy line lenses looks like. However, the regular Nudy lenses are much smaller in diameter and therefore useless to me. Sadly the dark circle is way too noticeable to have them pass as "natural looking".Color: The color looks very different than on GEO's official product pictures. While on the picture it appears to be a dark gray-blue, the actual color is very light and almost a bit turquoise. However, because of the semi-transparent color, the lens's color will mix up with your natural eye color and look different on each person. On my light green eyes the lenses appear to be a very bright and striking light blue. Enlargement: My circle lens motto is "the bigger, the better" and usually 15mm is my favorite diameter. However, these lenses with their diameter of 14.8mm, combined with the design, mainly the dark circle, give a pretty good enlargement effect. Size-effect-wise I cannot notice any difference to 15mm lenses.Comfort: I always have to say that my eyes are very sensitive and don't react well to many lenses when writing my reviews, meaning a lens that wasn't very comfortable for me, might be okay for everyone else. For me the GEO XTRA line is one of the most comfortable, so I am always very disappointed when I try out new GEO lenses and they cannot keep up with that comfort. Sadly the GEO Super Nudy Blue XCH-622 Circle Lenses are such a case. Their comfort is average at best. I find them tolerable when I am outside, but whenever I am inside with indoor air, I can feel them in my eyes constantly. I also catch myself fumbling in my eyes all the time while wearing them and my eyes feel quite exhausted once I take them out. 1-2 hours only are the tolerable max for me, while I could wear GEO Xtra lenses or hours without noticing them much. I am not really convinced by these lenses. While the design and color are nice, the comfort isn't acceptable to me. These turned out to be some of the lenses which I only wore 3 or 4 times other than for taking photos. If your eyes don't tend to react sensitive to lenses, you should still go for them if you like the design. I have read other bloggers rate lenses I did not find comfortable as "very comfortable" before. If you have very sensitive eyes though, these will not be your best choice. Comfort: ♥♥○○○ Design: ♥♥♥○○ Color: ♥♥♥♥○ Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♥