This is a review of the GEO Milky Way (Xtra Lavender) Brown WFL-A54 Circle Lenses. They were kindly sent to me for review purpose by EyeCandy's. I had already used their service as a regular customer in the past and was very satisfied, which is why I was not hesitant about accepting a sponsored product. They have a huge selection of circle lenses as well as other Asian beauty products and what's really great about them is that they offer free shipping. They are located in Asia so sometimes it takes a while for the lenses to arrive depending on where you live, but shipping always includes international registered airmail, so you can always track your order. If you want to buy circle lenses from EyeCandy's you can use the coupon code GOHALAINN for a free gift!
Type: Soft Contact Lens
Diameter: 15
Water Content: 42%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Manufacturer: GEO Medical
Disposable: 1 Year (as always, I don't suggest to wear them for longer than max. 3 months)
The GEO Milky Way or Xtra Lavender Circle Lenses are available from planoto -6. Even though I have poor vision I always pick plano lenses as my kind of defect of vision cannot be corrected with standard soft lenses. They come in vials and the GEO authenticity sticker.

Design: Too much black! This was my first thought. They just look much darker than I anticipated and also a lot less "fragile" than I imagined due to all the black details of the design. I think it would look much better if all the black "dots" were dark brown, then they would be perfect! The fact that the dark black circle around them blends together with the inner part of the design is nice though. Same with the inner part of the lenses. They are one of the lenses where the design of the lenses doesn't end abruptly, but blends in with your iris. I do not like designs where every part of the lenses' design is so "separated", but like it when things blend into each other, because that always looks a bit more natural in my opinion. So, apart from all the black, the design is pretty nice.

Color: The color is a beautiful amber-like brown, though If I compare the color to my most favorite GEO XTRA lenses, the Nova ones, which are rather yellowish, then the color is darker and tending more towards orange than yellow. I guess overall they look darker than they really are because of all the black in the design. The ornament-like swirls of the design are pretty neat, just sadly not so much visible because all the black in the lenses makes them disappear. The color will probably look best on dark brown eyes
Enlargement: I really wish GEO had more lenses in this size, because it is just the right size to make your eyes appear big, without making them look freakish. 15mm is really the perfect diameter for circle lenses in my opinion! If you just want a color change, every diameter will do, but for dolly eyes only the big ones work in my opinion. I actually like my real eye color, but I dislike how my eyes are overly huge in relation to my small irises and big diameter lenses fix that problem for me.

Comfort: I can always recommend circle lenses from GEO's XTRA series because they are, in my opinion, the most comfortable GEO series. Even though they are the biggest series they have, they even feel more comfortable than some smaller GEO lenses. For my really easily irritated eyes they are one of the few lenses where I sometimes forget that I was wearing any lenses at all.
I have to admit that I am not loving the look of them on my light eyes, but think on dark eyes they will look pretty good. The amber shade is nice, the enlargement is just perfect and the comfort is among the best. I have the same lenses in blue too, and am curious how they will look on my eyes.

Comfort: ♥♥♥♥○ Design: ♥♥♥○○ Color: ♥♥♥♥○ Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♥