There aren’t too many things that will ever come in between myself and anything Disney related, especially Disney On Ice.My morning started with heading into the MCG for a 10:50am start at our teams Stadium Stomp, which had us conquering over 7,500 steps in just under and hour and a half. By the time I got home it was close to 2pm, which left me 2 hours to have a nap and get ready for Disney On Ice. Having a nap was the biggest rookie mistake I have ever made and my calves kept cramping up and I could barely walk. This wasn’t going to stop me though and I did a quick dash to get ready and get out the door with the rest of the family. We parked practically where I parked where I parked across the road at the MCG. My mind quickly skipped to wondering whether or not I would have to face anymore steps, and my wonder soon turned into reality when I saw to sets of stairs- great! We were seated a few rows from the front on the top level, but great seats in front of the rink. To be honest I don’t think there is such thing as a bad seat at the Hisense Arena when watching Disney On Ice.

Disney On Ice Dare To Dream had Miss M screaming for more quite literally, all because Rupunzel AKA Tangled got a huge amount of time on the ice. Miss M is obsessed with Rupunzel and often thinks she is the one and only Rupunzel.

I am going to have to be completely honest here though; Mr M and I both made a comment about the Disney On Ice shows becoming very much alike with a few differences between them.

Online it did say something about witnessing the journey with Princess Tiarna but we arrived a tad bit late and I just assumed we missed it possibly.The Melbourne and Sydney shows were the end of this tour so unfortunately I cannot convince you to go, but I would suggest putting it on your radar when the next show is released! For more information you can jump on to their site- www.disneyonice.com.au