What is BV?
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora (the usual bacteria found in a woman's vagina) and it can be treated with antibiotic medicine prescribed by your doctor, or there is the alternative option with the Balance Activ range of gels and pessaries.What causes BV?
It is said that experts are not sure what causes the bacteria in the vagina to get out of balance. However certain actions are more likely to trigger it:- Having more than one sex partner or you have a new sex partner.
- Smoking
- Contraception
- Using scented soaps, or bubble bath
- Cleaning out your vagina with water or other fluids (douching)
- The use of strong detergents to wash your underwear
Unfortunately for as long as I can remember (since starting contraception when I was a teenager) I have been a suffer of BV, and sadly it is a common occurrence for me. So when I was invited to review the Balance Activ BV Gel and the BV pH Balance Intimate Wipes I jumped at the chance - I had never heard of this brand prior to them contacting me, so I was excited to learn more and experience the brand. I was sent two products to try out:BV pH Balance Intimate Wipes, offer the unique formula with latic acid which is commonly used to treat BV, also offers the below benefits:
- Gentle cleansing formula
- Proven to reduce odour
- Leaves you feeling fresh and clean
- Proven to reduce odour, supporting the body’s natural defence mechanisms
- Paraben and Fragrance free
- Flushable

- Application is done with an easy to use disposable tube
- Quick, safe and effective way to restore and maintain the pH level in the vagina

Balance Activ can be used as an alternative to prescribe drugs, their products are proven to work and allowing you to have some control over BV. What I liked about these products was not only the results, but also the ease and convenience of use. I would recommend these products to any woman that suffer from BV like myself.If you are under 16 you should always speak to you parent, carer or GP if you have any concerns over your health.Disclaimer: I was sent these products for the purpose of this review. All opinions are honest and my own.
posted on 02 July at 02:30