Hair & Beauty Magazine

Random Rave – Topshop Cute-As-A-Button Pink Tape Measure

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

I’m actually not sure if I should be sharing slash promoting this…so let’s say for now I’m just raving, but I found this Topshop tape measure and got it off Ebay and it was so, so cute and could not resist placing an order for it…then I found out, oops, it happened to be a freebie with online global purchases.

Random Rave – Topshop Cute-As-A-Button Pink Tape Measure

It cost me about £8.50 in total with shipping from Ebay, so that’s about Php500.  It’s actually the current free gift with ANY ORDER from the global website so I’m not quite exactly sure if they’re giving these out with purchases also at Topshop boutiques locally…I’d say most probably not, but it’s better to be sure so you can check your local boutique first.  Anyway some enterprising, international Topshop shoppers obviously thought they didn’t need the ones they got with their purchases so that’s how some ended up on Ebay and they lured in happy suckers like me…I’m not regretting the purchase because I really don’t plan to get Topshop clothes online and so this was practically the only way I could own one for myself.  So just be aware that if you plan to do some online Topshop shopping… there is no need to pay just to get one of these off the net elsewhere, you’ll certainly get one with your online purchase.  I’ve no time right now to put up my wishlists but the photos are certainly piling up and both the Beauty and Non-Beauty Wishlist editions will be up soon.  I’ve got to do groceries and Christmas shopping for now hence the quick random post.  Cheerio dahlingz…


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