Hair & Beauty Magazine

Quick Fix Anti Blemish Mud Mask

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
So I picked this up the today and had to try it out straight away. I have had some super spots (like another head is growing!) and I really need to get rid of them. I have never heard of this brand before but I thought it would be worth giving a go.
Quick Fix Anti Blemish Mud Mask
So on the back it says:" The Problems: Excess oil, blemish prone skin or a general combination skin type.The Solutions: Dead Sea Mud-helps absorb and control excess oilSalicylic Acid- helps draws out impurities and tighten poresTea Tree Oil- helps to treat spots and prevent future break outs"
So this all sounds great. So you pop it on and leave it for 10 minutes.
Quick Fix Anti Blemish Mud Mask
Its quite a light color and dries after 10 minutes. I then just scrubbed this off with a exfoliating pad. Now it is 15 minutes after I have taken it off and my face is really hot and red... It doesn't feel irritated but I will check in with you after a few hours.
So it's the next day and my skin has settled down now. It took a couple of hours for it to settle down completely. I suggest you use a basic moisturiser just to calm down the skin after you have taken it off. Overall my skin feels really nice.
Thank you, have you heard of this brand before?
Love Allie x x x 

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