I have been absent from the blog world for quite some time now! To tell you the truth, nothing that exciting has occurred. Now that finals are over, I can update you on some of the more exciting things!
My 25th birthday was last weekend (hence the title). I had my last day of class that AM (at 7:30. bleh.) and then began finals week. I made it my mission to forget everything about grad school for that day. It was hard but I think I was successful.
After class ended, Kyle told me to climb back in bed and then he brought me a mimosa and a cat.
Awesome way to (re)start the day! I then chatted with my sister (over the phone) until breakfast was ready. Kyle brought it upstairs so I could eat in bed, but we quickly relocated into the dining room after realizing that without a little table, this would be messy. Not about to stain my favorite duvet cover.
My ENORMOUS breakfast of an egg white omelet AND crepes. WHATTT? Yeah. I didn’t eat lunch that day haha.
After breakfast and presents (an ice cream/frozen yogurt attachment to my Kitchen Aid mixer), Kyle had some errands to run for birthday surprises so I took a much needed nap. Grad school is kicking my ass.
When Kyle got back, we went for a hike on the trail (Martin Canyon Creek Trail) right by our new house! We never got to explore it together (I had gone running on it with a friend) because Kyle broke his leg the same month we moved in.
And here’s a panoramic shot of the great views!
After our hike I got to take a nice, long bath while Kyle ate a late lunch. The night ended with a home made meal, cake (duhhh), and a movie (the new Hunger Games movie)! We even managed to score a free popcorn at the theatres which kind of made my day. Movie theater popcorn is a HUGE deal in my family. When my little cousin was working at the movies one summer, if she didn’t bring home free popcorn, I’m fairly certain my aunt and uncle would have told her to stay somewhere else ;)
The perfect RELAXING birthday. Just what I needed.
I have also had birthday #2 and #3, celebrating with my parents and then Kyle’s family. Pretty lucky girl huh? I’ll end with one of my birthday presents from my aunt and uncle (who clearly get me).
{Instagram} Bernard and I say hi!
If today was your birthday, what would be your ideal day?
Breakfast in bed- yes or no? YES if I have a table.
Do you like movie theater popcorn? If not, I will have to reconsider our friendship.