It is clear that a professional optics is charecterized by a visual health with all its customers. In this sense, Optical H chooses qualified and anti-reflective lenses, which the users can enjoy with a clear and clean visibility for a long time, as the main goal.
Also, and as prevention measure, the contact lenses belongin Crizal helps, above all, to:
- Avoiding the development of certain eye disorders. For instance, cataracts or DMAE.
- Averting the loss of a color perception.
- Preventing the visual anging.
To sum up, Crizal Prevencia offers to all its customers a qualified service, due to its safety system with a selective filter in contact lenses. Because we are exposed to both external and interior light. Although unfortunately, we must take into account the current devices (mobiles, computers, tablets…), with which we spend most of days, release a great level of ultraviolet light that affects to our vision. A situation that we should be aware of causes and we could determine on a qualified service and a clar visual attention.