Business Magazine

Q&A With Author Anna Runyan

Posted on the 14 March 2014 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Last month during book launch week I took some time out of my schedule to answer some email questions that I was getting. These answers were put into one of my bonuses, The Book Club Kit, for anyone who purchased my book.  I wanted to share with you the Q&A that I did and if you want to get your hands on my book, The Professional Woman’s Guide to Managing Men, and The Book Club Kit, click here for more details.

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What made you choose to write this book?

This book topic actually came to me! A publisher emailed me out of the blue one day and thought that I would be a great person to write a book on issues that professional women face. We went back and forth on a ton of potential topics and eventually settled on this one.  At the time, I was not very confident and I was scared to put my ideas and stories out there but I knew this book would stretch me and make me grow. It was actually a topic I knew a ton about but hadn’t written about before on my blog. So it allowed me to write this book from a new perspective and give my readers and fans something that they hadn’t really read before on my blog.

I also knew that working with men is really tough and I made a ton of mistakes while managing men for 8 years at Booz Allen Hamilton. My passion and purpose has always been to share what I know to help other professional women not make the same mistakes I did. That is why I knew that this book would be perfect for me.

What was the hardest part about writing your book?

The topic of the book forced me to get out of my comfort zone. It wasn’t easy. I often worry about what other people will think of me too much and this book forced me to get over that.  I especially had to get past what the men that I work with would think and focus on the big picture, which was that this book starts a discussion that helps professional women.  Once the positive initial reviews started coming in about the book I worked so hard on, then I could finally relax.

It was also hard to go through the whole editing process of writing a book. My editing team did a great job but I am not used to having my writing edited on my blog.  I write it and I publish it the same day and that is it! What I learned is that I still have a lot of learning to do to make my writing even better. The writing in my book is my best writing ever because it was edited so many times by such wonderful people!

Where do you write? Do you set hours aside for writing or do it whenever the inspiration strikes?

If I don’t write first thing in the morning, the day gets away from me. I find that I am the most creative on the weekend so that is when I try to get my writing done. During the week I have a lot on my plate to complete. If I have a to-do list it is hard to focus on letting myself just sit and write. To write this book, I forced myself to go to Starbucks every Friday to write and that was it. I would also go on coffee and writing dates with my mom where she would write her blog and I would write my book.

Do any other writers inspire you?

Sheryl Sandberg wrote in her book Lean In, “Ask yourself what would you do if I weren’t afraid ? And then go do it. Writing this book is not just me encouraging others to lean in. This is me leaning in. Writing this book is what I would do if I weren’t afraid.”  I couldn’t agree more with this statement. This book was scary and something I was afraid of but Sheryl definitely inspired me with this statement to move forward and not let anything stop me.

Of course many other writers have inspired me. Other writers that inspire me are Jack Canfield, Dan Miller, Steven Covey, Keith Ferrazzi, Rick Warren, Chris Guillebeau, Dave Ramsey and Dale Carnegie.  Yes, these are all men. Women, get out there and start writing!! Of course, many female authors have inspired me such as Sheryl Sandberg, Marianne Williamson, Talane Miedaner, Lisa Sasevich, Erin Doland, Dr. Lois P. Frankel, Gail Evans, Emily Bennington and Kate White.  I am very serious when I say that we need more female authors inspiring others. If you have a book in you, write it now!

I also read the Bible everyday for inspiration as well.  That is always the first thing I do every morning.

Have you ever been in a book club?  What has your book club experience been like?

Yes, here’s my book club experience. My friend and I started one and it was great!  Besides the fact that that I was the only one that would always read the entire book and no one else would finish (or even start reading the book). But, we had a lot of wine, snacks and laughs and I got to catch up with my girlfriends, which was the best part. Even though the other members didn’t finish the books, starting this book club changed my attitude of reading. I used to hate reading and writing and I won’t even tell you how lousy I did on my English SAT score. If my English teacher knew now that I wrote a book and continually write a blog daily, she would laugh in my face and be shocked.  Cliff notes were my friend in high school and analogies and reading comprehension exams were definitely not my friends.   I don’t think I read one book for fun in college.  Only the required textbooks.

Not until the book club did I discover that I love reading! And it was a few years after that when I discovered that I love writing too and I began my blog, I honestly believe that reading one book a month for the two years of book club made me a great writer now. Now my husband jokes about how much time I spend at the library (and how much my library fees are…. Oops!)

When you aren’t writing or reading, how do you like to spend your free time?

My guilty obsession is watching The Bachelor. Yes, I know it is pitiful. I spend my free time with my husband, friends and my family here in San Diego.  I also love traveling and have a bucket list hanging over my desk reminding me of all of the places that I want to go to in my lifetime.  I try to spend at least one day every weekend completely disconnected from social media and work to let my brain recharge and relax.

Thanks for reading my book!

If you want to get your hands on my book, The Professional Woman’s Guide to Managing Men, and The Book Club Kit, click here for more details.

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