It has happened again. Professor Tim Noakes - perhaps the world's foremost advocates for LCHF for obesity and diabetes - has been reported by the Association for Dietitians in his country.
Support is now pouring out through social media from all the people that have been helped by Noakes' advice. A petition was started a day ago and is rapidly growing towards 7,500 signatures. Consider showing your support too - it only takes half a minute:
Support Prof Tim Noakes in his quest to improve eating guidelinesProfessor Tim Noakes has in recent years become one of the world's foremost advocate for updated sensible dietary advice. After he developed type 2 diabetes himself, he completely reconsidered his previous recommendation on starchy foods.
He now recommends some carbohydrate restriction for most people, and an LCHF diet for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes or similar conditions.
In his native South Africa, where Professor Noakes is hugely popular, LCHF has become very big in recent years thanks to him. His book has topped all sales charts for months (Professor Noakes donates all of his income from book sales to charity). Noakes was also a co-organizer for the world's biggest LCHF conference in February.
Now Professor Noakes has encountered problems. A tweet from him a few weeks ago was apparently so upsetting for some people that the association of dietetics has filed a complaint against him with the Department of Health. Noakes replied to a question from a mother that it was good to let children eat foods low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and with high nutritional content (which seems quite reasonable to me). It will now be investigated by the Department of Health if this made Professor Noakes guilty of "shameful behavior on social media."
Support is pouring out on Twitter under the hashtag #WeSupportProfessorTimNoakes (there are a huge number of success stories to read here). And now a petition has been started. In the first 24 hours it passed 3,000 signatures and now on the second day it already passed 6,000. Let's show our support too for Professor Noakes in his fight and push the petition forward. Sign here, it only takes half a minute:
Support Prof Tim Noakes in his quest to improve eating guidelinesPlease share this link with others. How quickly can we reach 7,500?