Ayala Centrio is just facing Gaisano Mall in Cagayan de Oro. Whilst waiting for others to arrive, we had our lunch at the latter. There were, I think, almost 40 bloggers from all over Northern Mindanao (Cagayan de Oro, Iligan, Bukidnon) who came to see Centrio at the beginning of its mall journey. Lol
Walking to Centrio from Gaisano.

The best thing about bloggers is that we can take photos even at worst conditions. We can dress up even though its just an unfinished building that we are going to cover. We make every story that you read in our blogs as interesting because that's how we would like to read such. Lastly, we get easily overwhelmed and happy to have an output even though we receive nothing. ^^

Did you know that Centrio came from the word Center and Rio? Of course, center is center because of the location of the mall in CdeO. Rio means river.
Best thing about Ayala branding is that it makes us remember nature. The story behind the Centrio logo is the Acacia Tree that they preserved in the middle of the mall which you will see in the succeeding photos.

Upon entrance, us bloggers are given masks and hard hats for safety. The mall is still under massive construction that you'll end up having free cake of powder in your face when you won't wear any protective sheets.

The Proposed Architectural Design and my blurred face
Employees were kind enough to explain to us some of the features of the mall. I am so amazed by how little details of the mall have significance to its entirety. It is a must that you have a lurking eye if you happen to drop by the mall to be able to understand the modern beauty of interior design and architecture applied to it.

I personally am excited for this Rustan's Place in CdeO. I love roaming around Rustan's for the fact that there is lesser people. hahah. I really don't want crowded places. And I think, this is a major breakthrough in a Northern Mindanao grocery shopping. lol

This, my friend is one of the little details I am talking about. As you can see, Ayala has a thing for nature. This are branches and leaves that accentuates the preserved Acacia tree in the mall. Whenever you see this, you just have to remember the hardship the engineers went through just to preserve the tree.
Thus, I present you (drum rolls) - its excellency, the Acacia tree.

It has got to live, you know. After the construction, It just have to live. It must! :)

Activity Center
This is the activity center that the mall boasts. Presentors need not go through all the growling crowd in order to get to the stage. It has a backstage passage to the underground parking lot. They said, a comfortable dressing room is also available.
Bloggers at work. And I mistakenly blurred their faces. Sorry.

Ceilings are so fun to look at with those leaf shapes. ^^

The triangles are said to be eyes of the pineapple fruit.

Us testing the escalator? lol

The best part of any mall, aside from the shops and restaurants, are the cinemas. Now, I am not a movie enthusiast. I can live without having to watch movies, but the cinema of Centrio has a mad mad carpet!!! I wanna take it home.

The carpet that I am talking about.

Lastly, we took the tour off by having this mini presentation from the mall employees. A lot of questions have been asked and settled. Thus, I will just leave you with photos of the presentation.

To end the post, here's a photo of the batch 1 of Northern Mindanao bloggers with Centrio employees. I had fun and met a lot of cool people. ^^ I wish to be there in the opening day at November 9 too.