I've had desire to begin a blog tradition here every Friday. Today I begin the first of my Pray It Forward Friday posts. I will try to make this a weekly habit. I wanted to start off with something as simple as praying for some of you who are hurting while responding with Godly encouragement. I know sometimes things can hurt to the point that we all wish we could just fly away for awhile. This is why we need to "pray it forward."
I cannot promise to respond to every single request, story, or comment, but I can certainly focus on encouraging the first 5 who post in the comments (feel free to use an alias/pen name for anonymity) and the first 5 who prefer to privately email their challenges to me via [email protected] . But of course please rest assured I'll be reading every single comment and email regardless of whether you were one of the first 5 or not and in my heart you will be planted. With permission I might request to post an excerpt of your challenge without too much detail and a part of my response to encourage other people who are struggling as well. I might just respond to your struggle via the next Pray it Forward Friday post. To make it simpler I will post a theme for the struggles. This week's theme for Pray It Forward Requests is TRUST. Are you struggling with this topic in your life right now, even in different aspects...whether it be God or people. Let me know.