Lifestyle Magazine

Potty Training with Thomas & Friends #giveaway

By Thindes78
Potty Training with Thomas & Friends #giveaway
At four kids into the whole potty training thing I’d like to pretend that I know exactly what I’m doing with potty training, or what they are doing, but in my experience, it’s been a lot easier and far better if we leave it until they are ready and showing interest.

It's also my first-time potty training experience with a girl and it is definitely a different experience, thus, I found it easier and quicker with the boys. With Summer she didn't feel comfortable pooping in the toilet/potty, and we went through a phase where she would ask for me to put her nappy on so she could poo and so this is what we did, until she was ready to go in the toilet / potty. She is pretty much dry, except bed time and any afternoon naps. Here are some of the best potty training tips I've picked up over the years.

Wait until they are ready / interested:
No matter what the pace, allow it to happen when they are ready, and not to rush it. Allow the child to be comfortable, and relaxed. We always introduced a potty and have it visible, so she knows it is there, and so they can get to know what it's for. But we kept her nappy on until she was comfortable and ready to start sitting on her potty. This was when she started to tell us she needed a wee, or she would take her nappy off herself

Be prepared:
Buying underwear was a big step, a milestone. We put Summer in knickers 
with Dry Like Me pads and out of nappies, and she loves her big girl knickers! But, we do have the expected odd accidents, as she is busy playing and holds on so long that she doesn't quite make the mad dash to the toilet, so this is where the Dry Like Me pads come in very handy, perfect for those little accidents.  Also, to make it easier for her we got her a step stool and a potty seat. Then for bedtime, the Huggies pull-up pants are perfect.                              -Encourage potty learning:
It does take time and is a process. Plenty of practice and patience, but I like to make it fun, an enjoyable experience. 
With my boys and now Summer, Thomas & Friends got them through potty training, whether that be me reading to them Thomas & Friends books whilst they sat on their potty, or they sat in front of the TV on their potty watching Thomas & Friends. (we have a lot of Thomas books in this house collected over the years)
A positive approach:
Work with your child, stay calm in the face of any accidents and remain positive. 

Celebrate success:
Accidents are inevitable, but try to focus on the successes. Rewards - sticker charts are great for these, like theThomas & Friends My Thomas Potty Book. Also, lots of high-fives and tonnes of encouraging words work great.

And, I have a fantastic competition to giveaway one Potty Training book set  byEgmont the publisher of the Thomas & Friends set - For your chance to win then please enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. Good luck.
. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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