As you may agree, we are living in very uncertain and challenging times as things we thought that could not be possible suddenly seem possible. It's time to look at things and situations in a completely different light, and in this article today I wish to throw a spanner in the works of Astrological doctrine, and to make everyone who studies astrology to sit up and think.
What is happening in the next few days in the world of astrology that everyone has been commenting on and writing about? It's the ingress of Pluto into the sign of Aquarius. Now, after watching a programme on TV the other week presented by Professor Brian Cox, it suddenly struck me that Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld is actually NOT a stand-alone influence. What every single astrologer in the world has failed to see up until this point is that Pluto is part of a binary planetary system. Pluto's sister dwarf planet Charon holds Pluto in orbit, and they circle around each other as in a dance, the orbit of one impacting on the other. Check it out for yourselves. One you see it, you cannot "un-see" it. Yes, Charon is approximately half the size of Pluto, but it is still Pluto's twin, and it will have a personality all of its own that in my view must be assessed alongside its bigger sibling. The combined effect of both planets on us has never properly been assessed in astrological terms, and taking the mythology of Charon and adding it to Pluto suddenly brings new nuance to the effect that the Lord of the Underworld has on us all.
Let's have a look at Charon and the mythology behind the name. Charon was the ferryman who transported the souls of the dead across the Acheron and Styx rivers, the waterways that separated the world of the living from the world of the dead. In Virgil's poem "The Aeneid" the dead had to pay Charon a fee to take the crossing, and if they were unable to afford it, they were left stranded on the banks of the river to wander alone for a hundred years before they could make the crossing.
In mythology then, Charon's role was not to judge or condemn, but simply to guide souls on their journey into the unknown. This implies that Charon serves as a bridge or a threshold between two worlds or states of being, just as it does astronomically by balancing Pluto in the orbits they share. Surely then, Charon's association with boundaries, transitions, and the act of crossing over from one state to another may be key to understanding its astrological significance and must be taken into consideration whenever we look at the effect that Pluto & Chiron have on us all.
Time then to take things a step further. Now we all know that Pluto represents the deep, often painful transformation that comes from confronting our shadows, but bringing in the effect of Charon suddenly adds in the idea of navigating these depths too. It could act as a guide or intermediary that helps us understand and integrate the intense energies that Pluto stirs up. Might it be that Charon's influence may bring a sense of clarity or direction during times of profound change, helping us move from one phase of our lives to another?
Of course Charon only allows us to take this journey if there is a form of payment that we are willing to make. It may be that we have to let go of outdated beliefs, face uncomfortable truths, or sacrifice certain comforts for the sake of progress? Not doing so leaves us stranded on the riverbank, leaving us in a form of limbo and unable to properly move on, until we do face the facts of the situation we are in. In terms of the upcoming transit of Pluto and Charon into Aquarius, if we refuse to adapt to technological advancements, we cling to outdated social structures, or ignore the call for greater social justice, then individuals or even entire communities could be feeling left behind, as the world moves inexorably forward.
What I am suggesting here is that we look at Pluto and Charon as partners adding balance to each other. Whereas Pluto handles the wielding of power, Charon may emphasise the importance of guidance, of surrender and acceptance within the transformative processes that emanate from Pluto. I might also suggest that the Pluto-Charon relationship might enhance the wisdom of knowing when to take control, and when to release the shackles, in a way mirroring Charon's role in ferrying those dead souls. Pluto has been seen as a forceful figure but add in Charon, and the picture changes and softens, with Charon as our guide through the transitions that we all have to experience in making sure that we get to the other side of the water safe and sound? In much the same way, as Pluto asks us to confront our demons, Charon will help us on the journey to overcome them. See it all as less like a plunge into the darkness, and more like a journey towards greater wholeness. Charon acts as the yin to Pluto's yang, providing a counterbalance to the raw, transformative force that Pluto represents.
There is so much more that I wish to explore in regards to this topic, and I will come back with more insights and thoughts as they come to me. As Pluto and Charon prepare to embark on their shared journey across Aquarius, I urge you in the future to see them as a pair, as twins, as partners in crime - as the dynamic duo that shape all of our lives at the farthest reaches of our solar system.