For the past two years of my studies, I have not been working hard to get my grades higher. You know that feeling when you are constantly at the top of your class during elementary and highschool? Recently, I just wanted to get that feeling out of my system. I learned that at some point of time, you get sick of what usually happens to your life. You just want to break free. But later on, you’ll realize that you are what you have been. Then, you go back to that kind of system again.

Disregard my only 2.00 grade in MacroEconomics. Man! All of us got low grades in that subject. It’s not an easy one, you know. >_<
After two long years, I now say hello to good grades and GPA again. 2 years is not a joke. REALLY! I had to dwell with 1.72 cumulative GPA – wew. I’ve learned my lesson. Well, I hope I can make it better this coming two last semesters of my college life. Audit Theory and Problems, and Finance 3 are not just any subjects. There is that feasibility study too. Man! I getting worked out just thinking about this.
This is the 2nd highest GPA that I was able to get in my college years. Dang. That sounded so wrong. For a person who was once an outstanding student, here I am telling you that this is my 2nd highest grade. Urgh. I wonder where did all the enthusiasm in studies went? This time, I will find that enthusiasm in me. I WILL! I SHALL!

True. Grades does not measure intelligence but it feels good to get good grades. It really does!

Making ends meet while blogging and studying at the same time is hard. However, in Allah’s glory, I was able to make it. Allahu Akbar.
Now, I am thinking of ways to give myself a reward for the job well done. InshaAllaah, by next year, I will uphold to having a good GPA when I graduate. Please help me pray for this to happen.