Food & Drink Magazine

Pepper Jack and Bacon Hassalback Potatoes

By Cookingfromasahm
Pepper Jack and Bacon Hassalback potatoes
I love Pepperjack cheese and bacon...As I was trying to figure out what on earth to serve with the deli roast beef sandwiches I came up with this idea. I took the Hassalback potatoes and added a twist.  Boy is it good. 
Pepper Jack Bacon Potatoes
4-5 whole potatoes washed
(you can peel if you want)1/2 block of Pepper Jack Cheese(sliced)Bacon( you can fry it or just use it from the bottle)4 T ButterOlive Oil
Take your potatoes and wash them. Then make slices on them almost all the way down. Rub the potato with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt on top. Bake it in oven at 450 for an hour or until its soft inside and turning golden brown.  Next take it out and put your sliced pepper jack cheese and bacon. Put it back in the oven till it melts. Take it out and enjoy!  

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