Hair & Beauty Magazine

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

By Ireviewuread

As many of you have known, I am rather particular about body hair at unsightly places. Thus, I have explored many alternatives to hair removal. From using Veet’s Hair Removal Cream to using Ready to use Wax Strips, I’ve gotta say, I’m can’t wait to try them all! Anyhows, today, I’m going back to the basics of hair removal: Shaving

There are many rules which we have to follow to get a clean shave. Razor, Shaving Gel/Cream & Normal Technique

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

Today, I’m going to introduce to you, Paula’s Choice Close Comfort Shave Gel which can help protect you from razor burn. 

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

Basically, this Close Comfort Shaving Gel is made to act as a cushion between the razor and your skin while removing your unwanted fur coat. 

For those who complains that shaving cream produces too much foam for you to shave through, try a shaving gel. 

On top of that, this gel is also fragrance-free which makes it unisex

One of the key things which this gel guaranteed is that it will help Prevent Razor Burns.    

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

To use this all you have to do is: 

  1. Damp Skin 
  2. Shave as usual (Rinse between blade strokes)
  3. Rinse shave gel from skin when finish 

and you are hair free! 

Time for a closer examination ~

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

Overall, I felt that the Paula’s Choice, Close Comfort Shaving Gel is a very cool concept. I like how it is mainly made out of water and Aloe which explains the seal when I first opened the package. Of course, with those ingredients stated it’s no doubt that the substance flow out quite easily when de-sealed. 

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

Upon application, the Close Comfort Shaving Gel gives off a cooling sensation. 

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

Since, it is gel-liked, I felt that the Close Comfort Shaving Gel was rather easy to apply and spread. It doesn’t even have to be even for you to start shaving. As mentioned above, this gel is definitely razor-cut proof. No matter, how much I aggressively use this to shave, I never get any razor-cuts. On top of that, this bottle has been lasting me for quite awhile now regardless of my frequent use.

Paula's Choice - Close Comfort Shaving Gel Review

Overall, I would give Paula’s Choice’s Close Comfort Shaving Gel 5 IreviewUread Smiles for: 

  1. It lives up to it’s story on being Razor-cut proof & unscented 
  2. Really easy to use and apply
  3. Very Cooling

If you want to try something other then shaving, you can check out my review on Veet’s Hair Removal Cream Here or you can check out Veet’s Suprem Essence Ready to Use Strips Here

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