We try to keep those brave faces when inside a little part of us is being torn to shreds, and that’s ok. For 5-6 years you have been the sole educator to the life that you created and now all of a sudden you’re putting the most precious thing to you in somebody else’s hands for the next 12 years or there abouts.
For Miss H (now 8) when she started her first day of school I kept the most brave of brave faces on that day (swear Zelda had nothing on me). But as soon as I got into my car that was the queue for the waterworks, bawling my eyes out. Not because Miss H cried, or because she found it hard, but because she didn’t cry and just ran off with a massive smile her face on a mission to make friends. Wasn’t she going to miss me like I was going to miss her? Was it the right decision sending her to school? All these thoughts running through my head, were these normal? Yes, the answer in short is Yes, they are completely normal. It’s daunting and scary on so many levels as I said above, these are the most precious treasure you posses.
Next year will see this Mumma say goodbye to her littlest munchkin Miss M, so grim times to be had.
One of the fun things however, in the lead up to the school year is not having an excuse to shop (for me anyway). I love buying her accessories, shoes and of course school uniform.
The school that my girls go to have their own branded backpacks, but it’s optional whether you want to use them or buy your own.
So when I was contacted by the beautiful souls at Hippo Blue and saw their fun range of backpacks I knew this is what I would be sending Miss M to school with.
Miss M likes to be different and often loves standing out in the crowd, she truly is her own confident little person. She is not ashamed that she would rather switch the pink for a blue and in a sea full of princess dresses she would be the one wearing the Superman costume. She is just that type of person, so letting her pick her own design, color and print was the perfect combination for Miss M.

Hippo Blue is a an Australian-owned online retailer which offers distinctive personalised children’s products that are innovative, design-savvy and functional.
Created by a male duo- powerhouse determined to prove all the haters wrong, inspiring the boys to create an emotional connection between their customers and Hippo Blue, above and beyond the product itself.

Hippo Blue Large Backpack (RRP $50)
From the get- go the process was fun and both super tricky for Miss M as she couldn’t decide whether she wanted navy blue of coral pink.
Then after the unanimous between her and I that the pink will work best she now had to decide what theme she would go with.Busy City, Superheroes, Royal Play Time, Adventures and Magic Garden are the themes you can pick from.
Superheroes won Madison’s vote after much debate whether or not it would be the unicorn from Magic Garden, or the superhero girl.
Then I got her to type her name out in the section that is provided in the design space of their website and her backpack was complete.

Hippo Blue Lunch Bags (RRP $30)
I browsed the website a little more and this is also the point where I spotted the personalised insulated lunchbox. What a perfect combination and now there was not another hope in the planet that her lunchbox could possibly be mixed up with another child (unless there was a Miss M, with a pink lunch bag, and a superhero girl and of course her name had to be Madison- the odds of that unlikely).
There is also a spot on the side of the lunch bag that keeps quite a recent sized water bottle- a lot on the market only have a small mesh pocket.
Even on little day trips in the car Miss M takes her lunch bag with all her treats and snacks hidden away, and of course her water bottle.
There are so many more personalized products in the Hippo Blue range, but I definitely have to say the backpack and lunch bag’s are my two favorite and will make Miss M’s first day more memorable- it will also double for some tops photo opportunities.
