What the brand claims

The contents
A container of creme bleach
An activator bottle
Post bleach skin radiance serum
A white spatula

1.wash face with plain water. Pat dry
2.take creme bleach and powder activator in the ration 7:1 and mix them well.
3.Use the spatula to apply on the area to be bleached.
4.duration- Dusky - 10 minutes wheatish -15 minutes Fair -more than 15 minutes
My opinion
PACKAGE- Simple and cost effective packaging.
First and foremost ,do a patch test in your arm or a tiny corner of your jawline just to make sure you are not allergic to any of the contents.
The mixing is easy and one doesn't need to be math genius to do it. Bleaching is one of the most petrifying thing for me. So ,of course I didn't leave it on for more than 10 minutes.
I washed it off with cold water. Followed by generous application of the post bleach serum.
Details Here

Creme bleach -hydrogen peroxide
Post bleach skin radiance serum-sea minerals extract and Oxy sphere.
It is affordable and easy to use. it gave a good radiance and glow .
I think it would've been better if I had left it on longer.
Maybe next time I will try that.
I am also thinking of trying it on my feet to lighten the tan.
Price- Rs.80 for 27 g Comes in bigger pack too
for more details visit HERE
Anyone of you tried this ? What is your opinion?