Food & Drink Magazine

Overnight Oats

By Slowdownandsavor

overnight oats

Yesterday, Facebook “suggested” I read about something called “overnight oats” several times. I’m not even kidding when I say that I had 3 articles from 3 different sources all about “overnight oats” and how good for you, good tasting, and easy they are.

I had no idea what overnight oats were before I gave in to Facebook’s peer pressure and read one of the articles, and I was instantly intrigued. I took it to my Facebook page, asking everyone who’s made the stuff, and what they thought of it. I had no idea I’d get the incredible response that I did, with over 14 comments in 45 minutes from all sorts of people saying how much they LOVED the stuff, and I even got some pretty awesome recipe ideas to use, on top of the ones from the suggestions on Facebook.

I decided to give it a go, so while I was making dinner, I measured out and filled a large drinking glass with rolled oats, milk, Greek yogurt, chopped banana, honey, and vanilla extract. I used a drinking glass because I don’t have any fancy jars or glass containers with a lid, or any that were an appropriate size. I’ve got some HUGE ones but this is a single serving people. I stirred everything together, wrapped it in plastic wrap and secured it with a rubber band, and stuck it in the fridge. I couldn’t wait to try it in the morning. Impatience is a trait I have honed.

overnight oats

When I woke up in the morning, I was so excited to dig right into the oats, but I had to keep on waiting, since I needed to make a lunch and get the kiddo off to school, but you better believe that as soon as I walked back in the house, I made a beeline to the fridge and removed that glass of breakfast glory.

overnight oats

It looked like the oats really soaked up all the liquids from the day before, and after sampling my first taste, I opted to pour a little more milk in the glass to loosen everything up a bit.

overnight oats

This stuff is really good… The texture is interesting. The oats become tender, and the strawberry and honey flavors from the yogurt really went well with the chopped banana, and everything melded together beautifully.

overnight oats

I also love how healthy this breakfast is. While it tasted creamy and sinfully delicious, the mixture is really great for your body. Plus, it was really filling, which is awesome for these days where I’m just STARVING AT ALL TIMES. More on that fun side effect of pregnancy later.

overnight oats

What’s YOUR favorite type of overnight oats? Leave your response, or even a link to your favorite recipe in the comments!

Overnight Oats
Strawberry-Banana Overnight Oats 2014-09-30 11:05:24
Overnight Oats
Here's a super easy, healthy and delicious breakfast solution that you make the night before! Write a review Save Recipe Print Ingredients
  1. 1/3 cup rolled oats, or steel cut if you prefer
  2. 1/3 – 1/2 cup milk, depending on how thick you like it
  3. 1/3 cup Greek yogurt (I used strawberry-honey Greek Yogurt, but you can pick any flavor for this)
  4. 1/2 banana
  5. Pinch salt
  6. Splash vanilla
  7. Squeeze honey
  1. Combine all ingredients together in a glass container, stir and refrigerate! Enjoy the next morning.
By Katie Ogletree Slow Down and Savor

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