Hair & Beauty Magazine

Outfit: Rollercoaster Weather

By Herugliness
Hello! ~How's the weather where you are? Because here it is crazy! One day we will have 25°C, the next it will be 10°C. It's still an improvement to the constant 5°C we had during the beginning of spring this year, but it makes dressing challenging (and is giving everyone a headache)! One day I am either dressed to cold or to warm.森ガール アウト・フィット 森ガール アウト・フィット 森ガール アウト・フィット
And what would my outfit posts be without at least one random animal in one of the photos...? I think my Themis actually didn't have the pleasure of being posted here yet.
森ガール アウト・フィット
See you next time!

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