Weekend is probably the "only" most fun thing happening in my life these days.
While the rest of the week i'm stuck inside the room, weekend i go out and hang out with friends.Went to the Park for a walk and of course took some pics :)I also bought 2 new pairs of shoes And lotsa accessories.Looks like my cosmetic ban is being compensated by splurging on clothes and shoes instead. lol

i'm meeting a high school friend tomorrow and redeem my Revlon Coupon of 1000INR.i've decided to buy Revlon matte lipstick for my mom and revlon whipped cream for myself (ooops! so much for my ban hehe)Revlon- you spoil me :p

Sheer shirt- ASOS.comHigh waisted slim jeans - from BangkokFloral wedge - from SarojiniNautical ballerina - from VansonBag - NY cityearrings- Miss Jo
(yes,i'm wearing two different shoes lol)

On My FaceFace- Missha BB cream in light beige (reviewed here)Blush- A japanese brand blush (will review soon)lips- Mary Kay lipstick (Ruby shade-will review soon)Eyes- Jealousness pen liner (will review soon)