Books Magazine

Out & About|| Valentines Day at the O2 Centre, Finchley Road

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Out & About|| Valentines Day at the O2 Centre, Finchley Road

Valentines Day. I feel as though, like most things these days, celebrating this divides the nation. Why do we need one day to show the person we love how much they mean to us? Shouldn’t we be doing that everyday? Isn’t your anniversary the day which is best suited for showing your undying love? I mean, I get it. Like totally. But another excuse to get a date night in the diary – what’s not to like about that? When everyone is so busy with life, especially in London, I feel that maybe sometimes we do need a reminder to put some time aside for the ones we love. And for all the single people reading this, that doesn’t have to be romantic partners –…

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