Books Magazine

Out & About|| The Music Man Project @ The Royal Albert Hall

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

The Royal Albert Hall actually had me speechless. At its pure beauty. The size and grandeur. At the experience. But I had so many good things to say about the show too. I recently got invited as Chris' plus one, to the Music Man Project at the Royal Albert Hall. He'd been given the opportunity to attend to represent his work and I felt so privileged to be able to go along too!

Out & About|| The Music Man Project @ The Royal Albert HallOut & About|| The Music Man Project @ The Royal Albert HallOut & About|| The Music Man Project @ The Royal Albert Hall

The Music Man Project is a music education service specifically for children and adults with learning disabilities.

Out & About|| The Music Man Project @ The Royal Albert Hall

It aims to develop the musical instinct that lies within us all to instil confidence and self-esteem, and consequently to bring joy and emotional expression. They have projects and classes all over the UK, as well as in a couple of other countries too. They're expanding all the time, which is no surprise as it's such a fantastic concept. All students are treated as musicians, and they're given the opportunity to perform in front of public audiences. It also acts as a way of educating the wider society about what people with disabilities can do rather than what they need.

The guy who started it all, David Stanley, also campaigns for equal opportunities for musicians with learning disabilities to perform at the most prestigious concert venues and high-profile events. The Royal Albert Hall was a goal from right at the beginning, where he promised some of his earliest students they'd perform there one day. And we got to see THAT performance.

The performance at The Royal Albert Hall brought together a number of groups from The Music Man Project, from across the UK. The show was split into two halves; the first half featuring some of their favourite tunes, the second a story about travelling to space and music healing the world.

The tunes were catchy and performed with such passion...

...from all the Music Man Project students, and the professional singers too who helped with a couple of the songs. It was super motivational, and I was sat there smiling the whole way through. I loved how they got everyone involved in taking a lead role, including those with virtual speech assistants. There were a couple of students who really stood out as going all out, and they just made me smile more.

I enjoyed the first half, but the second half was even more fun. All performers looked like they were having fun too. The songs were fun, really aligned with the story and certainly upbeat. It was a fantastic performance all-round.

Out & About|| The Music Man Project @ The Royal Albert Hall

We enjoyed all of this from a box.

Yes you read that right, a box.

When we entered, I couldn't quite believe my eyes. With four seats, our box was super cute and private. It was such an incredible experience, one which I can only wish I get to relive someday. But I am definitely going back to The Royal Albert Hall. And if I can see The Music Man Project again, I most definitely am going to - it's such a great cause!

Have you been to The Royal Albert Hall before?

Chloe xx

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