Health Magazine

OT: On Political Stuff

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Quite predictably a lot of people got upset about my post on the ban on giant sodas in NY. Politics is not a major subject for this blog so I have no intention of discussing this at length: Anyone disagreeing with me can of course continue to do so.

However, this is my blog and I’ll use my liberty to say what I think: Comparing the ban on serving giant sodas in restaurants to Nazi persecution is silly, ok?

Let’s instead compare it to laws on tobacco smoking. The problem is that smoking (e.g. in restaurants) affects other people too (increased health care costs, suffering etc.). It not just about the person smoking. Thus laws can be motivated. And, believe it or not, in the long run all of us will pay for the effect of fast food companies pushing insane soda sizes in the middle of an obesity epidemic.

If your political view is different (e.g. if you’re an American, not a European) that’s just fine. Don’t worry, I don’t intend to spend much time discussing politics here.

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