Hair & Beauty Magazine

Ootd: Bonfire Night

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90

hey everyone,
i feel like i haven't done an outfit post in ages, i love looking at them and i love seeing what people have brought and things, so i would love to do more of these,
you may know i'm not the skinniest of girls, and i do feel a bit self conscious taken pictures of myself, i don't mind my face just not the rest of my body, if you like them please let me know, because then i'll know that i can do more of them, and i hope that some of you would be able to wear these things as well :D
so let me know in the comments,
so i had an amazing time yesterday, i had my hair cut at a salon for like the first time ever, she curled it and everything for me, and then in the afternoon i went to a bonfire party (i guess thats what you call them) but i went to one that has loads and loads of rides, now im a wimp when it comes to big scary rides, i do not go on them, so i didn't but looking at them on it, it looked real fun so next year i think i will go on them :D get my brave socks on!
so this is the outfit i wore:
ootd: bonfire night top: new look | jeggings: new look |
this is what i wore, then i put a very comfy jumper and scarf on top aswell :D, it was lovely and warm,and without them i think i would have froze because it was freezing cold, i should of took gloves as well, it was so cold, my jeggings were getting freezing cold, and i could feel the cold through them =[.  I am now aware that nearly everything is from new look apart from one, i didn't plan it like that, it just happened :D 
ootd: bonfire night jumper: new look | scarf: river island |
i absolutely love this jumper to death, it is so warm and comfy, and i love it that it is quite baggy aswell :D, its so soft and i love the colour, i got this on my birthday from my birthday haul, and i put my river island scarf with it aswell, ive had this scarf for like 1-2 years now, and its still really soft, and the color matched perfectly with my jumper. 
on to my make-up: ootd: bonfire night foundation: rimmel wake me up ivory | blush: mua cream blush | powder: clinique stay matte in invisible matte | bronzer and highlighter: out of fashionista pallette | lipstick: mac politely pink | eyebrow powder: sigma scarlet brow shadow from brow design kit | eyeliner: revlon gel eyeliner | benefit: bad gal lash |
this is a bad picture sorry, it was dark, and i look grumpy haha, but oh well, you get the idea hopefully :D so yes, i had an amazing time and the fireworks were utterly amazing what did you do for bonfire? xxxxootd: bonfire nightootd: bonfire night disclaimer: i have tried to find the clothes i wore online, or as close to them as possible, and my make-up i have linked to my blog posts if i have done any including them. hope you enjoy ootd: bonfire night

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