Well, gentle readers, there is Good News and Bad News! The absolutely excellent Good News concerns me, that's me, as in , ME ME ME! Bloody TypePad - notice that I have reduced their 'bloody' count by one! - have solved the insufferable problem of dumping MY comments into MY spam box! You see, just above the comment box there is now the facility for the blog owner to register with TypePad and thereafter all my comments will be accepted. The Bad News is that bloody TypePad has yet to solve the problem of allowing regular commenters, as it were, to register and thus avoid the bear trap - but they're working on it! However, rest assured that usually, at least twice a day, I check my spam box and if I find any of you lurking in there be assured of rescue, so if you post a comment and it fails to appear - stick around, kid, 'cos it will - eventually.
Here is a comment and response on the 'ticket' issued by TypePad on this subject following my complaint:
From a blog owner:
My biggest problem now is that regular contributors are being knocked into the
spam filter -- I've told them to make their comment, then email me separately so
I can fish it out of the spam filter. Can we create a "white list" so these
folks don't get knocked out of the dialogue?
From TypePad:
We are definitely with you on that! It's the next thing on our list and we're
working on it currently. We hope to have all legitimate comments published on
the blog and kept away from the spam filter ASAP. Thanks for hanging in there!