Society Magazine

One More for the Vomitorium

Posted on the 16 December 2012 by Davidduff

Not much time this evening to write and nor, to be truthful, have I had much time during the weekend to follow the news in detail which, given the massacre of little children in Sandy Hook, USA, I am quite glad not to have done.  However, I did read a quick headline describing the (crocodile) tears shed by Obama on his visit to the site of the killings.  My goodness, what a very deeply humane and sensitive person he is, to be sure, so it's rather surprising that he never quite gets around to shedding some tears for the constant, year in, year out, slaughter of men, women, children, young, old and middle-aged, that takes place in his own city of Chicago every day of the year!

During the same afternoon and night of the random, unique and never to be repeated killing spree in Sandy Brook, back in Obama's political home town it was a case of the same old same old.  Shootings:

wounded at least ten people, according to Chicago police, including four teens in three separate South and West side attacks.

No-one was killed probably because marksmanship is not high on the priorities of your average hoodlum and even if it was, crack cocaine would not aid it!  However, at the end of October this year, Chicago had already taken its murder rate past the previous whole year total.

Mayor [Rahm] Emanuel [Obama's former right-hand man in the White House] commented on the grim numbers while attending an event at a Humboldt Park area school Monday. He said he wants kids to think about their studies, not their safety.

Should anyone be interested in writing one of those compilation books that are always so popular at Christmas time, say, something like: The Hundred Most Asinine Grunts Emitted by a Politician This Year, they should certainly include those words of Mayor Emanuel.

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