Healthy Living Magazine

Once a Week Workout Programs .Pdf

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

If you are a busy parent and also busy at work most of the day, it can be difficult to get to the gym 3 or 4 times a week like back in the day.

It’s important to remember that the benefit of one workout per week is massive, compared to doing nothing – so don’t give up. Even if you just have to maintain strength, fitness and/or MMA technique for a couple of years – the lack of progression can be frustrating but the alternative is to get overweight, unhealthy and probably a bit unhappy too.

In fact, just a few minutes of high intensity exercise can make a massive difference to your fitness levels.

Once a Week Workout Programs .Pdf

Below are some ideas for a once a week workout at the gym and at home.

Gym Once a Week Workout

Warm up with a Tabata Interval of bodyweight squats*
Also do at least 1 warm up set with a lightweight before each exercise

Exercise 1 – Deadlifts x 4 sets of 4-6 reps

Exercise 2 – Push Press or Military Press x 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Exercise 3 – Chin Ups x 2 sets of Max reps

Exercise 4 – Plyometric Press ups x 3 sets of 6 reps

Exercise 5 – Hanging leg raises x 2 sets of max reps with perfect form

Finish your workout with another Tabata Interval:

Kettlebell or Dumbbell Tabata

General FitnessNumber of 20 sec RoundsRound Rest

Alternating Lunges110 secs in between each round

Goblet Squats110 secs in between each round

Hammer Curls110 secs in between each round

In & Out Squats110 secs in between each round

Overhead Tricep Extensions110 secs in between each round

Renegade Rows110 secs in between each round

Shoulder Press110 secs in between each round

Squat & Press110 secs in between each round

Gym Once a Week Workout 2

Use 10 minutes of steady state cardio and/or a Tabata of Bodyweight squats to warm up

Exercise 1 – Back Squats x 4 sets of 6 – 10 reps

Exercise 2 – Barbell Bench Press x 3 sets – 6 – 10 reps

Exercise 3 – Bent Over Barbell Row x 3 sets of 8 reps

Exercise 4 – Dips  x 3 sets of 6-10 reps

*Tabata Interval sessions consist of intense workouts for 20 seconds, then resting for 10 seconds. This cycle is repeated seven more times per workout.

More info on Tabata Intervals can be found here.

Once a Week Workout at Home

A Tabata Interval is a great option if you are at home and have no equipment

Bodyweight Tabata20 sec RoundsRound Rest

Bodyweight Squats110 secs in between each round

Froggers110 secs in between each round

High Knees110 secs in between each round

Knee Tuck & Plank Jack110 secs in between each round

Mountain Climbers110 secs in between each round

Tuck Jumps110 secs in between each round

Squat Jump Turns110 secs in between each round

Speed Skaters110 secs in between each round

For a more advanced Tabata Home Workout, you can add another 4 minute interval including the following exercises:

  • Plyometrics ‘clap’ press ups – push off and clap mid air on each rep
  • Hindu Press Ups – Start in a downward dog position, touch your nose to the floor and press back up
  • Single leg/Pistol Squats
  • Chin Ups & Kettlebell exercises if you have the equipment

To maintain mobility, The World’s Greatest Stretch is arguably the most time efficient stretch to do.

Once a Week Workout Programs .Pdf
Doing the World’s Greatest Stretch in the Kid’s room

Exercise Descriptions

Once a Week Workout Programs .Pdf

Stand with your feet about hip’s distance apart. Bend at the knees into the squat position. Keep your weight in your heels. Jump lightly so that your feet are a couple inches apart. Squat down again, and continue jumping in and out for wide and narrow squats.

Once a Week Workout Programs .Pdf
Once a Week Workout Programs .Pdf

Resistance Bands Workouts

Resistance bands or tubes are a great option if you only have time to workout at home.

They require very little space to use and to store, and the variety of exercises that can be done with them is pretty vast.

Its also a bit safer to train in the house with bands, compared to, for example a kettlebell which could also break something or accidentally KO a child.

Resistance Band Workout

Warm up with a Tabata interval of bodyweight squats.

  • Millitary Press 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Bicep Curls – 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Lateral Raises – 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Squats – 3 sets of 15 reps

For a more advanced workout add:

  • Tuck Jumps 2 sets of 8 reps
  • Jumping Lunges 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Clap Press Ups 2 sets of 6 reps

PDF. Workout Programs

Below are a number of pdf workout programs that you could use to adapt and create a once per week workout routine. Focus on using all the muscle groups, with ‘compound’ multi joint movements. For example, use chin ups for biceps, instead of curls.

Tabata WorkoutsDownload MMA Strength & ConditioningDownload Boxing S & C Download

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