Food & Drink Magazine

on Pumpkin White Hot Chocolate...

By Calicotales @calicotales
on pumpkin white hot chocolate...
I've been meaning to make this for quite sometime now. I don't know what it is about white chocolate and pumpkin together but I seriously think this combination was meant to be! I was really surprised how delicious it was and even more surprised how Sebastian fell in love with it too! I made enough for two mugs and so Sebastian and I shared some on the couch after dinner watching Madagascar 3 last night. It's like a liquid dessert. Perfect treat to end our night.
on pumpkin white hot chocolate...
Ingredients: 2 servings 
2 cups milk
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 0z white chocolate chips
4 teaspoons cocoa powder

1// on low, heat milk and white chocolate chips in the saucepan while whisking it until the chocolate is completely melted 
2// whisk in pumpkin, spices, vanilla and cocoa. Mix until everything is combined. 
3// keeping stirring until it comes to a simmer. 
4// pour into mugs and top with whipped cream & cinnamon. 

on pumpkin white hot chocolate...
You will love this velvety smooth sweet treat! I'm going to cook some up for everyone to enjoy on Halloween night after trick 'or' treating. Have a great Monday everyone!

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