Health Magazine

Oh Libido, Where Art Thou?

Posted on the 08 October 2012 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard
Oh Libido, Where Art Thou?

Redwall Cavern and Dories © lynette sheppard

Hi there Goddesses. I just got back from a long, glorious trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. And yes, there were a number of menopausal goddesses on the trip. You can imagine that the conversation turned to the Big M, now and again. We all fared wonderfully on our trip with Grand Canyon Dories. A big shout out to my webmaster, Bill, who posted the blogs in my absence, and graced us with his photos.

Upon returning home, I jumped right into our annual Menopause Goddess gathering – and we all agree that it was the best one yet. I’ll be debriefing in further blog posts – just have to digest it all. One of our perennial topics is libido or the lack thereof. Many of us who see the worst of menopause in our rear view mirror find that our libido returned. Somewhat. I have to say that unbridled lust seems to be a thing of the past. If Brad Pitt showed up naked at the front door, well, I’d definitely take pix, but otherwise? Too much trouble. Just sayin’…

Naturally, we want to be intimate with our spouses or significant others. That’s part of a life we’ve built together. Still, we may long (together) for the days when libido ruled.

That’s why I just LOVE Celia Ramsay’s music video “Lament”. Check it out:

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