Last Monday I wrote a post entitled "The Fight of the Century" in which I reported on the fact that the State Attorney for 'Noo Yawk', a certain Mr. Schneiderman, had issued a legal suit against Donald 'Daft Hair' Trump, the local international zillionaire-to-the-power-of-ten. Mistakenly, I assumed that such a high profile case was probably made for the publicity it would engender in support of Schneiderman's boss, 'Hizzonner', the Governor Andrew Cuomo. Not so, according to Jeffrey Lord in The American Spectator. He suggest a rather different motivation for Mr. Schneiderman's legal zeal which is summed up in his title: Is Eric Schneiderman a Crook?
Normally I would try and precis the story for you but, alas, I simply don't have the time and anyway, it's worth reading the whole thing which is rather like the synopsis for one of the giant American novels on their internal politics, Tom Wolfe, perhaps. Suffice to say that it features a 75-year old grandmother who was a former State Senator already in jail for corruption but awaiting final sentencing when the details of her deal with the FBI will come to light. It includes a party she gave for several 'Noo Yawk' political big-wigs but unbeknown to them the sweet old lady was wearing a wire! Cue several red faces, or perhaps rapidly paling faces, might be more accurate. Suffice to say that it appears that Mr. Schneiderman's somewhat wild swing at 'The Donald' might be more for distraction purposes than any hope of even ruffling the great man's hair. I should add, for teh purposes of salacious gossip, that Schneiderman's decision to take a swing at 'The Donald' was announced a few hours after a private meeting between Schneiderman and - guess who? - Barack Obama!
It's a great story and what can one say except - only 'Noo Yawk'!
Sorry, for reasons already indicated, I just haven't had the time to converse with you all in the various comment threads but please keep up the good work - and the good conversation.