Community Magazine

No Woe is Me

By Uglytruthis

I have a bad case of victim mentality. Shakespeare himself would cry “woe is ME!!”

Yes my father and lots of other men took advantage of my youth, and that was wrong.  I have been stewing in the rage and seeking for revenge. So consumed by a cloud of pain and despair that it has separated any chances of getting close to people. It has blocked out the light of hope on the other side.

I can not change the ugly truths that formed the path yesterday, but I do have to power to change todays decisions. To learn to love again. To get outside of myself and care for other people. To forgive other that have left scars and stop pointing fingers. To believe that good things will happen.

Got to take back the power in life rather than letting hate take me over

To fight back

To move towards the light even if it is not seen right at this moment

You are a beautiful survivor

Stay strong<3 You are not alone

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