Fashion Magazine

New YouTube Video Up | Weekend Look

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

Most of you guys know by now, that I recently not too long ago started a “YouTube Channel“.

Being not too familiar with the YouTube community yet, and still trying my hardest to figure out this whole “editing”, and “visual effects” thing, i’m pretty well…proud of myself that I at least have 3 videos up!

The whole reason behind why I actually wanted to start a YouTube channel, was that I wanted to base the entire channel off of this blog. Eventually, i’m sure it will come together, but for now, I really appreciate you guys sticking with me on the journey.

Obviously blogging is what I love, and I hope to build off of it sooner then later.

I may not be one of the “best” or “top” YouTube gurus right now, but remember that everything takes time.

Here is my 3rd video: “Weekend Look

I am going to try and get new videos up once a week, so be on the lookout!


New YouTube Video Up | Weekend Look

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