Day 30 #Bigblogmasproject2014
Hey There,
Its that time of year again, where our social media feeds fill up with “New Year New Me” crap. I admit I was one of them, just not as vocal. I think the end of the year always gives us a good excuse to re-evaluate the things in our lives. But instead of changing and creating a whole ‘New Me’ as everyone seems to aspire to, I’m thinking more ‘In with the Positive’ and ‘Out with the Negative’… I mean are any of us really that bad, that we have to create a whole new concept of ‘Me’? Of course if I could click my fingers and be in a size 8 body I would, but that just ain’t going to happen over night, and just because it is 2015.
I’m not going to focus on giving anything up this year, as to be honest, I won’t stick to it. Instead I’m going to focus my time on the things I LOVE about my life. You may have read my ‘2013 My Rebuilding Year‘ post, which was all about the post uni blues and how lost I felt… Well this is kind of an extension on that. I’m going to spend more time with my real friends, doing more of what I want to do, and what I LOVE doing. I’ve decided I definitely need to get out more.
I’ve got some sort of action plan in place, well more like 3 basic principles I’m going to try sticking to in 2015…
- Say ‘Yes’ to more things, and actually follow them through.
- Get outdoors more.
- Don’t care about what others think or say.
Plus a few personal goals…
- Run a half marathon.
- Go somewhere new, do some traveling.
- Train in something new, like Make Up, or take up a new hobby.
- Move back out of my mums house.
What are your New Years Resolutions?
I will be looking back at lasts years and seeing how well I did, (Fingers crossed I have done better than I think I have).
Make sure you are following on Bloglovin to not miss it.
Lots of love,