Android user will be enjoying of a new version of the Android Market. Nevertheless it will only be avbailable for handhelds with Android 2.2 or higher, which is claimed to be the majority of the android users.
The new market comes with a new User Interface with a set of new applications that transforms the app browsing into something much more pleasant. New features like “Recently Trending” will help users to discover and install new apps.
When is it going to be available for eveybody?
Well that’s the bad news. Apparently it will take more or less a month (Yes, a whole month) to be available to Android Worldwide community but the US Android Users will get their hands on the new Android Marker sooner than any other country.
The new Android Market is also bringing you the possibility of purchasing books and videos. In my opinión, it is really convenient and merges with the action plan that Google is implementing on all their products: Everything in one place.
And you, Do you think this is a good update for the Android Market or just fancy changes?