Hair & Beauty Magazine

Navy French Tips with White Baby Dots

By Pinkandpolished
French tipped nails have to be some of my favorite designs to create. Something about that crisp smile line just makes me all giddy inside ;) LOL

Want to get started? Okay to start off these fun blue nails I used OPI Bubble Bath to have a great base. When it dried completely I used hole reinforcement stickers, cut them in half, and placed them on my nails. I used Maybelline Color Show Navy Narcissist and painted the french tip. I removed the hole reinforcement stickers and used a toothpick and white acrylic paint to create the tiny dots. I sealed it all in with a coat of Essie Good To Go to finish. 

Navy french tips with white baby dots
Navy french tips with white baby dots
Navy french tips with white baby dots
You can customize french tip nails so many different ways by using different colors or adding fun designs on top. But one thing is certain, french tips will always be a classic no mater how you dress them up.

What's your favorite french tipped design?

Thanks loves :) 

Navy french tips with white baby dots

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