Ibuprofen has had some bad press recently, and rightly so!
Ibuprofen is linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, it damages the stomach lining which can cause a range of problems from allergies to stomach ulcers and it’s also well known to be detrimental to kidney function & health.
There are a range of, effective, alternatives to ibuprofen, some are listed below:
Supplements for Short Term Inflammation
Turmeric is pretty amazing stuff. It has a range of health benefits related to the gut but it’s also a potent anti-inflammatory.
Taken with black pepper, the bioavailability of curcumin (one of turmeric’s ‘active-components’) is increased greatly, increasing the anti-inflammatory effects.
Curcumin itself, has been isolated and studied extensively. Studies suggest that it’s effective for the treatment inflammation, depression, anxiety, cognitive decline and there’s some research to suggest it may help to prevent some forms of cancer.
Meriva Curcumin is a form of curcumin attached to a lipid. This form of curcumin has been shown to be absorbed at a much higher rate in the gut (study here).
Take 3g per day of turmeric with black pepper for inflammation.
Take 1g of curcumin per day for inflammation and/or depression.
Tart Cherry Juice
Tart cherry juice is also a potent anti-inflammatory. It’s quite nice too. It’s been shown to reduce symptoms of arthritis and it’s also been shown to enhance recovery – study here.
It can also prevent gout and kidney stones. It can even improve the quality of sleep.
CBD oil is a pretty potent anti-inflammatory, it tends to be very expensive though and the quality varies massively. If it comes from the black market it’s highly unlikely to be organic, or have a favourable THC/CBD ratio.
Lifestyle Changes for Chronic Inflammation
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting, that is eating between set hours of the day, has been shown to reduce inflammation.
This is probably related to reducing blood sugar spikes and the tendency to be in an energy deficit when only eating in between certain hours.
Intermittent fasting 12-8: This involves eating between the hours of 12pm and 8pm only, every day.
Intermittent fasting 5-2: This involves eating normally for 5 days per week and then eating about 10% of your normally calorie intake on the other 2 days.
The ketogenic diet also has potent anti-inflammatory benefits. This is mainly due to the production of ketone bodies.
People laugh, a lot, when I mention grounding. Look at this study (even just the pictures!) before judging.
Grounding involves going barefoot on the grass or earth. You can also use a grounding mat to sleep on.
Using a sauna several times per week is also associated with lower levels of inflammation.
“… C-reactive protein is a leading blood marker of systemic inflammation…there was a significant inverse association between the frequency of sauna bathing and the level of C-reactive protein.”