Since so much time has passed I'll give you the cliff notes version of what's happened this year.
*I continued going through treatments, and worked really hard to get my meds regulated. From a thyroid standpoint I think I am finally there (or at least really close).
*My depression is another topic. I still fake my way through many a day, but I am more open about it with the people who matter most. I admit it's a challenge I feel like I am failing at. However I am taking ALL steps neccesary to get it under control.
*I still have cancer BUT it's almost gone!!!! I'll blog about that sepreately.
*My sister got married!!! Yay!! When I was struggling to keep my mind on things not cancer related her wedding filled that need! I planned the best wedding shower ever (In my opinion of course!) Check it out if you are so inclined. Here is the post from my other blog. and some of the DIY prep I kept occupied with here in this post
*I'm still not back to work, and I've really struggled with what to do with myself once I hear those all consuming words "Cancer Free"! Keep reading to find out what I wind up doing.
*Hubs got a great new job! I'm so proud of him! He's kept this family afloat while I was ready to give up.
*Roo and Aussie are doing well. I adore them. They are what pulls me through a rough patch!
That's about it... for now.