I've decided to show you my small-ish 2016 planner for the year, which honestly has absolutely nothing written in it yet thanks to unforeseen events. My grandfather was lovingly laid (more like sprinkled) to rest. However, we cousins in our grief on various counts are stuck like glue as a result. So I'm in a cousin's bed typing away, there were so many of us last night at this sleepover and we're still lazing about into the new year. Overheard last night during a pillow fight: "Guys, guys, wait...someone's retainer fell...", more like kicked to the side and it was found on the stairs the next morning. Some of us during the wake laughed and spoke of our common plans to start off the year neat (with tickboxes, to-dos) being universally disrupted by Lolo's passing. We weren't complaining, it was more of a shared joke, because it was just like our grandfather to disrupt our individual plans to get us to do something meaningful together. This year's planner, which I aspiringly hope to fill up past July, is from the Paperchase boutique in Covent Garden (or Westfield?), London.

PAPERCHASE 2016 Text Wiro Planner
To begin with, I like that I'm not staring at a 4-digit annual number on the cover...which would be a concrete hard reminder of what year it ALREADY is. It's much more peaceful for thirty-ish me to read the year written in golden freehand letters. The format doesn't have the monthly grid spaces which some of you might be used to but it does have a year overview so you can jot down or even just highlight extremely important days quickly then refer to the daily pages for details. They used to sell Paperchase journals in Fully Booked, I'm not sure if they still do, this one cost about £6.00 or approximately Php400+ from London. Really excited to fill it up.