Hey, guys! So, I’m actually 20 weeks now, but when I wrote this, I was already well into my 19th week, which puts me at the midway point of this pregnancy.
CRAAAAYYYYZZZEEEE. How crazy is that? I seriously feel like it was just days ago that I saw the positive test result on my ClearBlue pregnancy test. I remember exactly what I was feeling, what my reaction was, along with his reaction and everything about that moment. It’s like time sped up and stood still all at once. There were tears upon tears from the both of us, and more tests were taken to make sure that I really was indeed pregnant. A bun in the oven. Can you believe it? Sometimes I can’t.
Speaking of, this week has been weird for me, because I pretty much don’t feel pregnant. Nope. Well, let me clarify. I mean, I do feel pregnant, since I’m beyond tired, am enjoying the fruits of heart burn and I’m pretty much at the brink of starvation most moments of the day, but other than THAT, I don’t FEEL pregnant, as I had in previous weeks. I guess it’s because my bump hasn’t really grown, and nothing new has been happening down in the baby area, and no, I still haven’t felt Baby Jack move in my belly. Ugh. Come ON Baby Jack!!! Make yourself known! Let me feel you, please! Please? Do what your mommy tells you, ugh.
Anyway, I’ve been keeping busy around the house, cleaning and laundrying and dishesing and all the things that need doing, as well as doing some writing and other fun things like that, but I have also discovered a new secret passion and fun hobby. That’s right, folks. I’m learning how to do makeup via YouTube! Whaaat??? I know. I rarely even wear makeup, but I can’t really get enough of it these days. I’ve been addicted to watching videos on YouTube starring beautiful and crazy-talented women like ShaaanXO, and KathleenLights, and they have given me a spark and a SERIOUS interest to learn what I can, and practice and play on my own face. Plus, I received a gift card to Target for my birthday, and I couldn’t WAIT to get over there to get some new cosmetics to learn with. While I have had a few blunders and huge fails, I’ve started to get the hang of some of the basics, and am graduating to fancier techniques. Oh la la! It’s fun!
Anyway, I guess I feel like I’m standing on a plateau in my pregnancy, and really am looking forward to new sensations, a growing bump, and obviously, feeling my little man swim, kick, jab, poke and dance. So, on with the show!
How pregnant am I? 19 weeks began on Saturday, November 1, 2014
How big is baby? Baby Jack’s sensory development is exploding! His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of an heirloom tomato. His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. His kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid. Crazy.
Photo Curtsey of BabyCenter.com
Weight Gain: +0 lb this week, +10 lb total – I just need to comment on this really quickly and put a question out to those other mamas and mamas to be. Have you experienced this? I’ve been eating plenty, and for sure more than I had been pre-pregnancy. I guess I’m just concerned that my weight isn’t budging at this point, and would like to see if any of you have any experience or encouragement here in this department.
Body & Changes: Nothing new this week from this last week. My bump doesn’t appear to have gotten any larger, and some people are like, “I can’t even tell you’re pregnant!” This makes me sad. I was so excited before when my bump was large and in charge during the last part of the first trimester. But alas, I must wait for my bump to pop. I’ll bet it’ll happen soon. I hope so at least!
Exercise: Yep. I’m going to get rid of this question.
Clothes: Wearing the two pairs of maternity jeans like a boss, but also wearing my pre-preggo J Brand jeans on days where my bump doesn’t really show that much, which is still something I’m experiencing.
What I’ve been eating: I haven’t had any cravings, or aversions in the past week. I mean, I am back to loving cheese, lettuce and mustard sandwiches (CLM’s as we like to call them), but other than that, I’ve been eating relatively normal. Yes, I eat MORE than I would before my pregnancy, but the types of foods (fruits, veggies, pasta, sandwiches, etc.) has settled back to normal-ville.
I haven’t really had the energy to whip up any amazing restaurant-quality or inspired dishes as of late, which is contributing to the lack of awesome new recipes here on SD&S, but I’m sure that once my energy level comes back (see how positive I’m being? I’m saying WHEN, not IF), I’ll be back in the kitchen getting creative, rather than just relying on the old stand-bys of enchiladas, spaghetti and roasted pork loin. Let me know if you’re interested in those recipes, because I can do that all day long. Just let me know in the comments.
JK: I have a craving. Give me all of the potato salad from Rudy’s BBQ. ALL. OF. IT. My goodness that sounds AMAZING. Let’s pause a moment so I can clean up all the drool that just got on my keyboard. Cool.
Any Movement? Nope.
Sleep: I keep having the weirdest dreams. Ever. Last night’s included fighting a murderous woman, her slinging a hunting knife and a sawed off shotgun and me, with my – get this – NERF GUN. Crazy…
But as for being tired? Let me just let you in on a little something that just happened as I was working on something on my computer little earlier. I was like, “Oh hey. What happened to the lights?” That’s when I realized that there was nothing wrong with our electricity. My eyes were just shut, and I didn’t even know it. Yeah. That’s intense.
Emotions: I’m a big swing. I can switch from an inconsolable tear-fest to feeling totally at ease at the drop of a dime. Very disconcerting I’m sure for the man of the house. He must just think I’ve got batty. He’s very understanding though, which is a miracle.
Purchases: None this week.
What I miss: Sushi, wine and energy.
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling Baby Jack move, the 3D/4D ultrasound we have scheduled for the 14th of November.
Best Moment of the Week: Hanging out with the little man of the house yesterday after school and treating him to some delicious popcorn at the new gourmet popcorn shop in our town, Papa Hoo’s. HELLOOOOO DILL PICKLE POPCORN. Come to mama!
What’s with the treat? He earned his way onto the A Honor Roll for 1st grade!!! AND he got the Good Citizenship award too!!! Just gotta love it.
I’m so proud of him and his efforts this year so far. It just makes my heart swell.
Leave any comments or questions or remarks below! Do any of you moms or moms-to-be have any similar experiences? Are you guys interested in the simple enchiladas and roasted pork tenderloin recipes?
Previous Weeks can be found by clicking here!! Just click on the week and check out my bump progression!