Fashion Magazine

My Personal Thoughts On Turning The Big 25

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

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As I am turning 25 next Tuesday, I figured that I would write down, and share with you all my own personal thoughts and feelings about turning the big 2-5.

When I automatically think about turning 25, the first thing that comes to my mind is, that I am closer then ever to being 30, and that scares me, just a wee little bit.

Also, these thoughts come to my mind:

Should I be getting married soon?

Should I at least be getting engaged soon?

Am I going to be married by the time i’m 40 with no kids?

Where is my life going? What am I doing?

H E L P 

Then I start going into ‘instant panic mode’.

Somebody please tell me that these kind of thoughts went through your mind when you hit your mid-twenties? Is this what they call your ‘mid life crisis’ ?

There is no doubt that my year of being 24 has certainly had it’s own ups and downs, and somehow the older I get, the more I end up finding myself drifting into my own little world, and doing my own thing. Maybe that’s because I moved away at 18 years old, live in a totally different state than the state I grew up in? I’m honestly not even sure.

It’s until I  finally have to remind myself that everyone lives life at their own pace, and at their own speed. That certain people in your life aren’t going to be there for you forever. You’re bound to make right and wrong mistakes, no matter how much you don’t want to make any mistakes. This is just how life works and how it is, and we all have to face it.


As I found myself going through bins of old pictures last night, there is no joke that both of my parents literally have thousands of pictures in these bins, I began to get a tad emotional.

It’s so crazy to me how fast we all grow up, and how much something can change in such a short time.

Life is extremely precious, and we always have to remember to enjoy every moment.

I’m nervous to see what the year of being 25 brings me, but i’m also very excited to see what unexpected or expected things come my way.


I’m looking forward to continuing building the blog, as well as working on myself.

I want to step outside of my comfort zone, and try things that I’ve never tried before, or normally wouldn’t try.

Even though 25 gives me the vibe of, “Okay Heather, now it’s REALLY time to grow up!”, I am over the moon excited to see what life throws my way.

My Personal Thoughts On Turning The Big 25

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