So, I am not a math person. I actually failed grade 11 math. Partly because I played soccer in high school and since we didn't have a home field we played all of our games away, so that meant we had to leave early all the time and guess which class was 4th period in the Spring...Math. Also, I didn't really ever study. And I am pretty sure our teacher Ms. Demers didn't like me. I went to a Catholic high school and I hated tucking my dress shirt into my kilt. Hated it. Why am I telling you this? Because Kyle seems to like numbers, as in he likes taking my measurements and making all sorts of calculations like an evil genius. Also, I asked him today if I could download Twitter on his phone and he replied "What for? I already have email." I snapped a photo of us on Sunday right before we used those calliper's you see in the photo below. I know, we both look pretty happy to be up early on a Sunday using calliper's. lol!

Worlds grossest smoothie. Right here. Made by me. Here are the ingredients just so you don't even accidentally put them all in the same place together:
Spinach, kale, broccoli, avocado, cucumber, chia seeds, coconut water, 1/2 scoop plain protein, berries & ice. I blame the kale.
As for my work out. It was pretty much business as usual. we stuck to our usual workout format of 6-12-25 reps. Afterwards we had a little chit chat about my food journal. Operation food journal has screeched to a halt. It's not my move to make excuses or put any negative energy out there. You will not find me complaining about work, my friends or my life on this blog. I am pretty sure you don't care and everyone has problems an issues. Anyways, I going to be back on track and even record a vlog or two while I am traveling this week! I am committed.
Sunday was awesome. I went shopping (both grocery and clothing), went for lunch, took Grando to the groomers, did laundry, cooked meals for the next few days...I also started reading a new book.

I am only a few pages in, so I don't have much to report yet in the way of a book review. Stay tuned!
Side note: I don't reckon I need to follow a "paleo" lifestyle to achieve my fitness goals. I definitely agree with many of the principles behind eating like a paleolithic man. I don't agree with people saying they eat "paleo" because it's cool, popular or trendy. Many of the people out there that are supposedly "paleo" aren't even really paleo anyways. Bacon, rice cakes and alcohol aren't paleo, at least I don't think they are. lol. Nope. I believe in cooking my own meals with a wide variety of ingredients. I eat lots of colourful veggies and lean meat (sometimes even fish lol) some grains here and there and when I eat cheese and yogurt I try and buy organic. I also like other stuff (Big Macs, Nachos etc). I am not going anywhere with this, except to say that if someone is making a healthy choice, encourage them and congratulate them. I will never judge you for what you eat, but I will hug you for making a good choice and I expect the same in return. :) To my loving co workers, please don't try and get me to go for ice cream during the day or I will have to start punching you.
Also, when you are making any chances to your "diet" make sure you do a little research first. Everyone is different, you need to consider things like your metabolic/body type, your current body composition (fat or lean), your genetic predispositions, your current state of health and your goals; fat loss, muscle growth, athletic performance before you become "paleo" or at least before you start saying you are paleo. Don't get sucked into the latest trend. Eating healthy should be a lifestyle, something you can sustain long term and teach your children.
My Trainer:
I remember now why I do my blogs after Tara typically - hers are pretty funny ! First of all, did she really fail grade whatever math ?! I like the dedication to soccer, but this Ms. Demers may have her feelings hurt if she ever comes across this (the Internet is a wild thing). One thing I do know about Tara is that she is quite fashionable - right down to the socks - and I can picture a little defiant Tara raising ... umm ... hell at her school. Ha ! I was never really partial to math (certainly not even an evil genius. More of a polite and mild mannered boy of average intelligence) until I became a Trainer, but it's actually a lot of fun to track someones progress and results to the pound, the second, or to the fifth of a millimeter in some cases. People hire a trainer for results and results need to be justified by diligent tracking - Tara often teases me about "writing a novel" in her rest breaks. She also jokes about us in on a Sunday morning, but it's great she makes that kind of effort with her schedule and I was honestly happy to meet her.
Tara's workout was good, but I found out today that her work schedule may actually keep her out the half marathon in Ottawa in September. More on that later - crap ... That means I'm behind on a blog. She is due for a change in phases, but this may expedite the process entirely - I'm cool with it and as long as she knows what's she walking into before doing it, then Tara's always game as well.
Her protein drink looks disgusting. It looks like something that Guinness would make for a protein shake. Gross. Reading her Sunday made me laugh because I get a huge kick out of Grando - the name (and his picture) just make me laugh. Grando seems like he would be a cool guy.
I like Tara's comment on "diets". An entirely different topic that I like giving me two cents on, but could have me veer off on tangents. I think anyone reading this would agree that Tara has a good and healthy view on healthy eating and exercising. It's one of the reasons she'll always improve and be successful in the gym - and one of the reasons shes always a little better, leaner and stronger than she thinks. I loved reading her commitment is back sky high, and the fact that she woke up way earlier than she needed to and met me for a workout this morning, shows me she's ready to move in the right direction. In her words, I congratulate her for making healthy choices, I wish her happy reading, and can't wait until he next workout on Friday morning.
Happy Reading,
Me + My Trainer