Hair & Beauty Magazine

My New Dressing Table

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90

Hi everyone,
So today is a little bit different, I'm going to show you my brand new dressing table and where i blog. I'm so excited about this post because i have absolutely fallen in love with this piece of furniture and just want to spend every moment here. When you feel like that, it’s very easy to blog and do youtube videos if you're in an environment you love! So, me and the bf went to IKEA on Friday and we just went for a wonder, i did want a dressing table but if we couldn't find one that was fine.
I was thinking of a long table with a big circular mirror in the middle, you know like an old fashioned type thing. But then i saw this, it is actually an office desk, but the main reason i wanted it was because of the back. My new dressing table
It comes in 2 pieces, the desk and then the back screws onto it. The back is magnetic and a whiteboard as well. I love it in white, i think they do it in black as well, but i am a very clean fresh furniture kind of girl, so i would have everything in white if i could hehe.
My new dressing table
So, at the very top are all my nail varnishes, they were in my cupboard all organised in a tray, but i thought they would like great on here because, one i get to see them all and see which colours i still need (haha) and two, it means i have extra draw space now.
My new dressing table
The selves on the left side are going to swap and change, the very top one i have decided is going to change based on what beauty products i like at that moment, or what i need to review. The tea lights will always stay on there. The other self has some old jam jars that my bf brought to do a science experiment at work, but in the end didn't need them, so they were just on the window self of our kitchen, so i nicked them and now they have: cotton wool buds, cotton wool pads and my hair bobbles and clips. Then the bottom cubby hole has my hairdryer, straighteners and curler. I don't  know whether to keep them there yet, i can’t decide whether it makes it look messy or not.
My new dressing table
Then the best bit, the white board, it is a magnet as well, i have my clock necklace, so i can keep track of the time if i need, and it looks super pretty hanging up. My hair band and then 2 spare magnets (which were from IKEA as well) and then i have written a saying in the middle. This saying (“happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”) is from harry potter, Dumbledore says it to harry. Well done if you knew that already. I want to keep changing the saying based on my mood, and what i would like to take from the day ahead of me. I also drew a Easter egg after taking this picture for Easter :D.
My new dressing table
Then there is a extendable mirror attached on the side, so i can see myself when i do my make-up or videos, but i can easily pull it away so it’s not the center of the table, a brilliant idea if i do say so myself (also from IKEA) Then the desk, there is a hole in the middle that was there for plugs to pop though so you can connect your computer together, I have put a small vase in the hole instead and put my most used brushes on there. (IKEA again)
My new dressing table
It has one long draw on the desk, and then it has, on the left, a small drawer and a cupboard, you can pick either this or if you want just selves running down. I choose the drawer and cupboard because the selves are square ones and you have 4, which are at the back aswell, my table is by the wall so i wouldn't be able to reach the back ones, so it made sense to get the draws. The long draw has my everyday makeup in it. I need to get some organiser for it because they look abit lost at the moment. The smaller draw has my hair extensions, a brush and dry shampoo. Then the cupboard has 2 shelves inside, one has my empties im saving for my empties post next month, and the bottom one has hair dye and nail care, like gems, nail files, nail cutters, and nail varnish removers. Things like that.
My new dressing table
The chair isn't exciting, just an office chair in black. Because the spare room is quite small, so the chair works as my dressing table chair and the bf’s computer chair as well, so we can swing it around when we need it. And at the very top, hanging on the wall is a ma-housive map of America, me and the bf plan to travel it next year and see all the sites that we can, so the stickers are on there of the places we want to go, it reminds me to work hard to be able to go on my dream trip!
So that is it, sorry it was quite a long post, but i am soooo in love with it and i just wanted to show it off, If you have any design ideas for me i would love to know, because i want to display pretty things that inspire me but i don't know where to get them from, so share your secrets with me!!!?
See you soon xxxxx

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