I have been blogging back and forth, but I have not dealt much with my own locs in recent times. There is not much to report, I've not been doing much with them. My last salon appointment which was around the final week in May, I had bantu knots then took them down. I am still wearing the bleached ends from my color earlier in the year. But, I will probably return to black. I will have a couple photos taken so I can show you the remaining look. I am mostly wearing my headbands again between salon visits. I realize however that my locs have been somewhat fuzzy, it's like a new wave of serious growth and the strands are all in the process of matting. I know this process happens daily but honestly, it's like I am having the attack of the super strands. It just looks so fuzzy. And if I let you in on a secret: I have been thinking a) cutting them off and starting over; b) picking them down and becoming a sista with a fro! If I were to make a change, I'd more than likely embrace option b, seeing that before locking my hair I spent no time having free natural hair. What does it feel like to feel that your natural hair in a twist out, between your fingers? I don't have that experience. I cut off the ends after transitioning and started to loc right away. So I have a serious hankering to just do that and it would make it clearer what many other sistas go through when managing their loose kinks and coils. My summer vacation is approaching and I will make my decision during that time. So for now, I will rant a bit and be frustrated a bit until I can make that final decision with a clear mind :) Love you all, Ta Ta ;)