I've been sleeping a lot, recuperating a lot since Christmas passed. I haven't allowed my consciousness to slip away like this in years come to think of it. I've never been fond of naps. I always thought naps were a waste of time and daylight, that is 'til I realized naps provide a comforting albeit temporary escape from a constantly haphazard world. So slowly I am picking up the pieces before 2015 rolls in and have been screening film trailers online for the sake of it, something I used to do a lot but put away for awhile. This isn't a movie review because I haven't seen this movie yet. According to a very particular writer friend Still Alice is excellent and for being in a drama genre he claims it's done tastefully and that acting isn't overtly melodramatic (he mentioned "no slapping...."). It is based on the book by NY Times bestselling author Lisa Genova. The moved me so much I just had to say something about it before we try to watch later on. It made me realize there is just so much to be thankful for. After getting that preview I went down to hug my mother.

"I'm not suffering, I'm struggling..."
Another good friend said the book was great, too. The film's lead cast includes the incomparable Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, and Kate Bosworth all given roles that seem to fit like gloves. At least that's what I can pick up from the trailer alone. Very simply put it's a movie about an intelligent woman with the onset symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, the feared degenerative illness where you slowly and literally lose your mind. It supposedly isn't a light movie, but I don't mind heavy screen plots as long as what is meaningful is placed at the heart of the story. I guess I was also looking to be stoked for gratefulness, something that's really important to me towards the end of the year. Looking forward to watching this one, it comes highly recommended so I'm told, here's the