Are you having a fabulous Monday? If you are reading this from the United States, you are lucky enough to have the day off off for Labor Day. Today we celebrate the economic and social achievements of American workers. We work hard and hopefully on this day you can take advantage of the day off to do something that you enjoy doing, even if that is doing nothing at all. If you are searching for a job, I hope that you can take the day off of job searching because that is hard work too! I am planning to spend my day reading, laying by the pool and spending time with close friends and family. What are you planning to do?
Here is my Labor Day Vow for career girls everywhere:
“I vow to not check my work phone or work email. I vow to appreciate my friends and family and enjoy this fabulous day as much as possible. I vow to be thankful for my job, even if it isn’t my dream job at the moment. I vow that I give myself a break today from my imperfections and be proud of where I am in my work and life. I vow to spend today relaxing and loving life so that I can be more motivated tomorrow to make a difference in my work and school.”
Here are some images today to motivate you. No career links today because you are not allowed to think about work!!

Have a lovely day!
(photos by it’s no piece of cake)