Business Magazine

Monday Motivation: Your Weekly Career Links

Posted on the 17 June 2013 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

So, I told you how I created my vision board last January.  Well, last month I hit a few roadblocks and a lot of those visions are not going to be happening this year (someday though!) So, I had to start from scratch during the middle of this year and re-create my vision. This time instead of a board, I created a goals/vision journal and it is a combination of words and photos of where I want to be.  I got this idea from a book I am reading called The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield (co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul). He recommends reviewing your board or journal on a daily basis and visualizing that your goals are already complete.  ”When you visualize your goals as already complete each and every day, it creates a conflict in your subconscious mind between what you are visualizing and what you currently have. Your subconscious mind tries to resolve that conflict by turning your current reality into the new, more exciting vision.”

So this is a great time of the year to check in on your goals. Are you still working on them? Do you need to make some changes like I did?  Remember, if you aren’t working on your goals and dreams, you are working on completing someone else’s goals and dreams.

Here are your weekly career links to start your week off right:

  • The Biggest Interview Mistakes HR Experts See (and How to Avoid Them) by Lifehacker
  • How To Get Past Job Search Gatekeepers by Forbes
  • 8 Mistakes That Make Hiring Managers Cringe by The Daily Muse
  • Mean Girls at Work: Why Women Are Bullies by The Levo League
  • Internships Are Increasingly the Route to Winning a Job by The Wall Street Journal

“Each time we face a fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” -Unknown

P.S. Isn’t this photo gorgeous! Taken by my Assistant, Lor.  Thanks Lor!

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