Remember, if you are a soon to be grad, to sign up for my free teleseminar tomorrow (2/19/13). It is called “The Graduation Guide: Everything You Need To Know Before Your Graduate Into the Professional World.” You can still sign up here.
Hope to see you all on the call tomorrow (or on the recording after the live call:)!! If you are out of college or grad school, stay tuned for more free webinars with topics you care about in the future! And please share the link with your friends still in school.
Here are your weekly career links to start your week off right:
- How to Use Introversion for Career and Personal Success by Lifehacker
- 4 Salary Negotiation Tips That Will Help You Earn What You’re Really Worth by Brazen Careerist
- Best Careers for Introverts and Extroverts by Yahoo
- 13 Things You Should Never Say At Work by Forbes
- 4 Ways To Brighten Up Your Winter Wardrobe by The Daily Muse
Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last. - Hamilton Holt