Business Magazine

Monday Motivation: Your Weekly Career Links

Posted on the 26 March 2012 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Guess what!  This week I celebrate my two year anniversary as a blogger!  I can’t wait to reminisce and tell you about how I started blogging. Stay tuned.

Also, to celebrate the two years I am doing big things starting next month.  I am going to host a free career chat to answer your questions next Monday, a free twitter chat on Tuesday AND a free webinar on Thursday and Saturday!  Click the links on the sidebar to sign up or make sure you sign up for my newsletter so you can get all the latest details very soon!  I want to do all of these things to help you and to celebrate the start of Get Unstuck and Find the Right Career For You training course on April 9th.  I am so excited!!  Here’s a comment from one of our CCG readers who has already signed up!

“Anna your training course is exactly what I need- already signed up. April 9th can’t come soon enough.”

Here are your weekly career links to start your week off right:

Where the Internet is about availability of information, blogging is about making information creation available to anyone. ~ George Siemens

Photo by Pane

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